Monday, October 11, 2010

District II Win Golds at the 2010 Manila Division Meet

The District II  High School Boy's and Girl's team clinched the gold medal at the 2010 Manila Division of City Schools ChessMeet held in Manila Science High School October 4-9,2010.The team of District II High School Boy,s  (Board 1 Melwyn Kenneth Baltazar,Mattew Palomata,Ares Anthony Ocampo,Jules Salazar and Marc Kristoffer Baltazar) won four matches and one draw.Melwyn Kenneth Baltazar ,12-year old 1st year High School student of F.G.Calderon High School allowed only one draw through out the tournament to emerged Board 1 Champion. He defeated Nesruben Usay (D-III);Charles Somera(D-V);John Reiner Ignacio (D-I) and Jan Ron Rubias (D-IV) with the only draw against District VI Jefferson Saltorio.       District II High School Girl,s team sweep all it matchess to secured the gold medal.Jean Paula delaCruz of Lakandula High School emerged Board 2 champion while Angelica Salac of F.G. Calderon High School took the gold medal in Board 3. Ma. Mae Belle San Juan of Ramon Magsaysay High School(Espana) won the gold in Board 1 as District II top board 1 player  Jan Ira dela Cruz lost to D-I Alyssa Magpayo.Another round robin among the gold medalist in all board to select the top two boys and girls that will battle the top two private school champion in the Manila meet. Board 1 champion Melwyn Kenneth easily defeated Board 2 champion Matthew Palomata,Board 3 champion John Ray Edaquio of D-I and Board 4 championMichael Jadullo of D-5 to crowned over-all champion. Matthew Palomata finished second.In the Girls division Board 2 Jean Paula dela Cruz defeated Board 1 Champion Mae-Bell San Juan  and board 3 champion Angelica Salac for the over-all Girls crown ,she will be joined  by Mae-Belle San Juan in the Manila Meet against the top 2 players from the private schools.

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