Monday, February 14, 2011

1ST CENTO International Festival:GM Roland Salvador shares title!

GM Roland Salvador of the Philippines finished in a three way tie for first in the 1st CENTO International Chess Festival held February 5-13,2011 at the Grand Hotel
Bologna in Pieve de Cento.Top seed  Aleksey Dreev (2694)of Russia won the title by a tie-break over GM Alberto David of Luxembourg and Salvador. A total of 102 players including 15 grandmasters and 12 international masters participated in the 9 round Swiss System tournament. The trio scores 7.0 points one half point ahead of six other GM's with identical 6.5 points. Roland Salvador won against WGM Elina Damelan of Armenia(2454); Caprio Guido(2272);FM Andrea Cocchi(2281);WIM Narqiz Umudova(2246); Marco Campini(2086)and G Calavalle. He drew with GM Oleg Romanishin(2534) of Ukraine in the 7th round and GM Alberto David (2580) in the last round; his only lost is against IM Federico Manca(2384) in the 3rd round. Alexey Dreev last round game against Eduardas Rozentalis ended in a draw in 9 moves of a Caro Kann Defense.



1ST     GM Alexey Dreev (RUS)              5           4          0      7.0 points   48.5
2nd      GM Alberto David    (LUX)          5          4          0      7.0 points    48.0
3rd      GM Roland Salvador (PHI)           6          2          1      7.0 points    45.5
4th      GM Alexander Delchev (BLR)       4         5          0       6.5 points    48
5th      GM Oleg Korneev (RUS)              4          5         0       6.5 points    46.5
6th      GM Ivan Sokolov (NED)              6          1          2       6.5 points    44
7th      GM Eduardas Rozentalis(LIT)       6          1          2       6.5 points    43.5
8th      GM Michelle Godena (ITA)          6          1          2       6.5 points    42.5
9th     GM Elina Damelan (ARM)             4          4          1       6.0 points    51
10th   GM Oleg Romanishin (UKR)                                           6.0 points   48

[Event "Festival Internazionale CENTO 5-13 Febru"]
[Round "1.11"]
[White "Campini, Marco"]
[Black "Salvador, Roland"]
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Nf6 5. Nxf6+ exf6 6. Bc4 b5 7. Bb3 a5 8.
a4 b4 9. Ne2 Bd6 10. Be3 Qc7 11. Qd2 O-O 12. h3 Ba6 13. O-O Nd7 14. Rfe1 Rfe8
15. c4 bxc3 16. bxc3 f5 17. Bc2 Nb6 18. Bxf5 Nc4 19. Qc1 Nxe3 20. fxe3 Qe7 21.
Nf4 Qf6 22. Bg4 c5 23. Bd7 Bxf4 24. Bxe8 Bg3 25. Bb5 Bf2+ 26. Kh1 Bb7 27. d5
Bxd5 28. e4 Bxe1 29. Qxe1 Bb7 30. Qe3 Qe5 31. Re1 g6 32. Kg1 Kg7 33. Qd3 Rc8
34. Ba6 c4 35. Bxc4 0-1

[Round "2.10"]
[White "Salvador, Roland"]
[Black "Umudova, Nargiz"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 g6 3. c4 Bg7 4. Nc3 O-O 5. e4 d6 6. h3 e5 7. d5 Nbd7 8. Bg5 h6
9. Be3 Nc5 10. Nd2 a5 11. Be2 Ne8 12. g4 Qh4 13. g5 hxg5 14. Nf3 Qh8 15. Nxg5
Bh6 16. Qd2 f6 17. Nf3 Bxe3 18. fxe3 Ng7 19. O-O-O Bd7 20. Rdg1 Kf7 21. Rg2 Be8
22. Rhg1 Ke7 23. h4 Qh6 24. Rg4 Nh5 25. Ne1 Bf7 26. Nd3 Nxd3+ 27. Bxd3 Rg8 28.
Nb5 Kd7 29. Qf2 Qf8 30. R4g2 c6 31. Nc3 Qd8 32. Rf1 Qb6 33. Be2 Raf8 34. Kb1
Qb4 35. Rd1 Kc7 36. a3 Qb3 37. c5 dxc5 38. d6+ Kb8 39. Bxh5 gxh5 40. Rxg8 Bxg8
41. d7 Qb6 42. Qxf6 Rd8 43. Na4 Qc7 44. Nxc5 Ka7 45. Rd6 a4 46. Qxe5 Rf8 47.
Qd4 Qb6 48. d8=Q Rf1+ 49. Qd1 1-0

[Round "8.3"]
[White "Salvador, Roland"]
[Black "Danielian, Elina"]
1. c4 c6 2. Nf3 d5 3. e3 Nf6 4. Nc3 e6 5. b3 Nbd7 6. Qc2 b6 7. Be2 Bb7 8. Bb2
Bd6 9. g4 h6 10. Rg1 Qe7 11. h4 Ne5 12. g5 hxg5 13. hxg5 Nxf3+ 14. Bxf3 Nd7 15.
cxd5 Ne5 16. Be2 cxd5 17. f4 Nc6 18. Nb5 Rc8 19. Bxg7 Nb4 20. Qb2 Rh2 21. Rc1
Rxc1+ 22. Qxc1 Qd7 23. Nxd6+ Qxd6 24. Be5 Qd7 25. f5 Rxe2+ 26. Kxe2 Qb5+ 27.
Kd1 d4 28. Qc7 Bf3+ 29. Kc1 Nd3+ 30. Kb1 Nxe5 31. g6 fxg6 32. Qc8+ Ke7 33.
Qxe6+ Kd8 34. Rc1 Bc6 35. Qd6+ Kc8 36. exd4 Qd3+ 37. Rc2 gxf5 38. Qxe5 Kb7 39.
Kb2 Qf3 40. Qe7+ Kb8 41. d3 Qd5 42. Qg7 Qd6 43. Re2 Bd7 44. Qe5 Kc7 45. Rc2+
Bc6 46. Rh2 f4 47. Rh7+ Bd7 48. Rf7 1-0

[Round "7.3"]
[White "Romanishin, Oleg M"]
[Black "Salvador, Roland"]
1. Nf3 Nf6 2. g3 b5 3. Bg2 Bb7 4. O-O e6 5. d3 Be7 6. e4 d6 7. Na3 a6 8. c4
bxc4 9. Nxc4 Nc6 10. Bd2 O-O 11. Rc1 d5 12. e5 dxc4 13. exf6 Bxf6 14. dxc4 Qe7
15. Bc3 Rfd8 16. Qe2 Rab8 17. Rfd1 Rxd1+ 18. Qxd1 Rd8 19. Qe2 Bxc3 20. Rxc3 Qd7
21. Rc1 a5 22. Ne5 Nxe5 23. Qxe5 Bxg2 24. Kxg2 Qc6+ 25. Kg1 a4 26. Qb5 Qa8 27.
Qc5 Rd7 28. Qb5 Rd4 29. Qc5 Rd7 30. Qb5 Rd4 31. Qc5 1/2-1/2

[Round "9.1"]
[White "David, Alberto"]
[Black "Salvador, Roland"]
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 a6 5. c4 Nf6 6. Nc3 Qc7 7. a3 b6 8. Be2
Bb7 9. f3 d6 10. Be3 Nbd7 11. Rc1 Be7 12. O-O O-O 13. Qd2 Rfe8 14. Rfd1 1/2-1/2

[Round "6.1"]
[White "David, Alberto"]
[Black "Dreev, Aleksey"]
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. Nf3 e6 5. Be2 Nd7 6. O-O Bg6 7. c3 Be7 8. a4 h5
9. Ne1 h4 10. Nd3 Nh6 11. Nf4 Bh7 12. Nh5 Nf5 13. Bd3 g5 14. g4 hxg3 15. fxg3
Bg6 16. Bxf5 Bxh5 17. Bg4 Bxg4 18. Qxg4 Qb6 19. a5 Qa6 1/2-1/2

[Round "3.1"]
[White "Collutiis, Duilio"]
[Black "Dreev, Aleksey"]
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Bf5 5. Ng3 Bg6 6. N1e2 e6 7. Nf4 Bd6 8.
Nxg6 hxg6 9. Ne4 Be7 10. c3 Nf6 11. Ng5 Nbd7 12. g3 e5 13. Nf3 exd4 14. Nxd4
Ne5 15. Bf4 Qd5 16. f3 c5 17. Bb5+ Kf8 18. Qe2 Rh5 19. g4 cxd4 20. O-O-O Nexg4
21. c4 Qf5 22. Rxd4 Ne5 23. Re1 Bc5 24. Bxe5 Qxe5 0-1

[Round "7.1"]
[White "Danielian, Elina"]
[Black "David, Alberto"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 d5 3. c4 e6 4. Nc3 Bb4 5. Qa4+ Nc6 6. e3 O-O 7. Bd2 Re8 8. Rd1
h6 9. h3 Bd6 10. a3 a6 11. Qc2 dxc4 12. Bxc4 e5 13. dxe5 Nxe5 14. Nxe5 Rxe5 15.
Qb3 Qe8 16. Nd5 Ne4 17. Bb4 b5 18. Bd3 Bxb4+ 19. axb4 Be6 20. Bxe4 Rxe4 21. Qa3
Bxd5 22. Rxd5 Qf8 23. Rc5 a5 24. Rxb5 Rxb4 25. Rxa5 Rxa5 26. Qxa5 Rxb2 27. O-O
Qb8 1/2-1/2

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