Monday, April 11, 2011

2011 Tonsuya Malabon City Summer Chess Tournament Round 6: No draws on Round 6 ; Perez,Gumila still leaders!

Everyone is in fighting mood in Round 6 as all boards ended with decisive results.  Adrian Perez and
Narciso Gumila won against separate opponents to to maintain their hold of the lead. Perez defeated Frederick Bernabe while Gumila won against John Lee Antonio of Manila. Other results saw Marlon Ricafort winning against Efren Arguelles; Eduardo Estrella over Andrew Casiano ; Richie Evangelista beating Verth Alora and Kenneth Baltazar winning against King Jeremias. In the bottom board Chessa Mae Nadera won against Joanna Mae Baylon while Faye Bernardino beat Ricky Vitalicio to set up a final round duel for the best female player.

Round 6 results
1.   Antonio        -      Gumila           0 - 1
2.   Perez           -       Bernabe         1-  0
3.   Arguelles     -       Ricafort          0 - 1
4.   Casiano      -       Estrella            0 - 1
5.   Pitero         -       Baltazar,Kev    1 - 0
6.   Evangelista  -       Alora              1 - 0
7.   Salmorin     -      Octaviano         1 - 0
8.   Ping           -        Salutan            0 - 1
9.   Salvador     -       Roma              1 - 0
10. Jeremias     -        Baltazar,Ken   0 - 1
11. Lorenzo     -         Peralta            0 -1
12. Sardowa     -       Tayson            1 - 0
13. Lapurga      -       Mercado         1 - 0
14. Caballero    -      Alvarez            0 - 1
15. Barcelona    -      Cruz                1- 0
16. De Guia       -      Abarca            0 - 1
17. Vitalicio       -      Bernardino       0 - 1
18. Berdadero    -     Pacis                0 - 1
19. Borja           -      Isip                  1 - 0
20. Baylon         -      Nadera             0 - 1

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