Saturday, May 7, 2011

2011 FIDE Candidates Matches; Round 1 and 2: Kamsky leads Topalov1:5 : 0.5

The Quarter finals of the 2011 FIDE Candidates Matches, the qualifier to challenge World Champion V Anand in 2012 start May 3 at Kazan Tatarstan. The Quarter and the Semi Final is a short  four game match + tie break if necessary. The time control is 120 minutes to make 40 moves +  60 minutes for the next 20
moves.Then 15 minutes +30 seconds increments starting 61 st move.In case of a 2: 2 tie ;  a four games  with a time control of 25 minutes + 10 seconds increments will be used and if still tie then  a two games blitz  with 5 minutes + 3 seconds increments  will be used. A total of 420,000 euro are at stakes with the four quarter final losers receiving 30,000 euro each. The two losers in the semi finals will receive 60,000 euro each. And the two finalist will receive 90,000 euro each.

The Quarter Finals
 Round   1  Results

Levon Aronian (2808)    -    Alexander Grischuk(2747) draw  Exchange Gruenfeld 71 moves
Teimour Radjabov (2744)  - Vladimir Kramnik (2785)   draw  QGD , Lasker Defense 25 moves
Gata Kamsky (2732)   -    Veselin Topalov  ( 2775)   draw Sicilian Najdorf ,42 moves
Shak Mamedyarov (2772) - Boris Gelfand ( 2733)  draw Sicilian Najdorf,  39 moves


Veselin Topalov      -    Gata Kamsky      0-1    Exchange Gruenfeld , 31 moves
Alexander Grischuk  -    Levon Aronian    draw  QGD, 22 moves
Boris Gelfand  -       Shak Mamedyarov    draw   Slav , 40 moves
Vladimir Kramnik  -   Teimour Radjabov   draw   Catalan  61 moves

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