Thursday, June 30, 2011
2011 CAMPOMANES Memorial (Yangon, Myanmar) July 5,2011
Final Standings After Round 9
7.5 pointer ---- IM Oliver Barbosa (PHI)
7.0 pointer ---- Li Hanbing (CHN)
6.5 pointers --- IM Richard Bitoon (PHI); Mari Joseph Turqueza (PHI) ;
IM Nguyen Van Huy (VIE); IM Atanu Lahiri (IND);
IM Dinesh Kumar Sharma (IND); IM Myo Naing (MYA);
Moun Moun Latt (MYA);
6.0 pointers ----IM Wynn Zaw Htun (MYA); Myint Han (MYA);
Zayar (MYA)
1. Organization
This event is organized by Myanmar Chess Federation under the auspices of the Myanmar National Olympic Council.
2. Schedule
5th July : Arrival of Players
: Technical Meeting - 2000 hour
(Absent players shall not be paired for Round 1)
6th July : Opening Ceremony - 0900 hour
: Round 1 - 0930 hour; Round 2 - 1600 hour
7th July : Round 3 - 0900 hour; Round 4 - 1600 hour
8th July : Round 5 - 0900 hour; Round 6 - 1600 hour
9th July : REST DAY
10th July : Round 7 - 0900 hour; Round 8 - 1600 hour
11th July : Round 9 - 0900 hour; Closing Ceremony - 1600 hour
12th July : Departure of Players
3. Time Control and Format
Swiss System; FIDE-rated and titled; Rate of play will be 90 minutes for the whole game with 30 seconds increment for every move starting from the first move. Zero-Start shall be applied.
4. Prize Fund (US$ 10,000)
Open: 1st US$ 3,000; 2nd US$ 1,600; 3rd US$ 1,200; 4th US$ 1,000; 5th US$ 700; 6th US$ 500; 7th & 8th US$ 300 each; 9th & 10th US$ 200 each.
Best Myanmar Players: 1st US$ 500; 2nd US$ 300; 3rd US$ 200.
Best Women Players and Best Junior Players (U-18, U-14, U-10) prizes are also awarded.
All the prize winners will get the special prizes (Quantum Shields, Quantum Pendants, Quantum Flasks and Quantum Bracelets awarded by Fusionexcel International). Information on these health products is available at www.fusionexcel.com.
Remark: The prize fund is guaranteed-minimum amount. It may be increased and the final one shall be announced before the start of Round 3. Prize money shall be shared equally among the tied-players.
5. Entry Fees
Myanmar Chess Federation Members - US$ 60; Others - US$ 120
Entry fee is non-refundable. Entry Fees are waived for GMs, WGMs, IMs and WIMs. There will be a discount of 25% of entry fees for those who register on or before 31st May, 2011.
6. Registration
Registration form shall be completed and sent back to the organizer by 15th June, 2011.
The players, who register between 16th to 30th June, 2011 shall have to pay late entry fees: Myanmar Chess Federation Members - US$ 75; Others - US$ 150
No registration shall be accepted after 30th June, 2011.
10 GMs who register first will be provided with free hotel room on twin sharing basic including breakfast.
7. Souvenirs
Souvenirs are to be distributed free for the participants by the organizer.
8. Official Hotel
Central Hotel
Bogyoke Aung San Road
The hotel is located in the center of Yangon. There are many places of interest such as the landmark of Myanmar Shwedagon Pagoda, Sule Pagoda, Bogyoke Aung San Market, Yangon Port, National Museum within the walking distance. More information can be found at www.myanmar.com.
Room rates (Inclusive of breakfast)
Special Package (5-12 July, 2011): US$ 220 (Single); US$ 250 (Double); US$ 320 (Triple)
Daily rate: US$ 32 (Single); US$ 37 (Double); US$ 47 (Triple)
9. Playing Venue
Also for Technical Meeting.
Central Hotel
Bogyoke Aung San Road
10. Payment
Myanmar Chess Federation members shall have to pay their dues upon registration.
Foreign players have to settle the full payment (Entry Fees + Hotel Room Charges) to the organizer upon the arrival. Otherwise, they shall be expelled from the tournament.
11. Entry Visa
This is necessary to have the entry visa before entering Myanmar. The players from foreign countries have to apply and get the entry visa from the nearest Myanmar Embassy in their countries.
12. Official Airline
Myanmar Airways International (MAI).
13. Official Transport
PARAMI Taxi is the most reliable transport in Yangon.
14. The organizers have the right to reject any entry without giving reasons.
Starting rank list
SNo. Title Name IRtg FED COUNTRY
1 IM Barbosa, Oliver 2514 PHI Philippines
2 IM Bitoon, Richard 2491 PHI Philippines
3 IM Nguyen Van Huy 2459 VIE Vietnam
4 IM M S Thej Kumar 2451 IND India
5 GM Zaw Win Lay 2382 MYA Myanmar
6 IM Wynn Zaw Htun 2374 MYA Myanmar
7 IM Atanu Lahiri 2349 IND India
8 IM Dinesh Kumar Sharma 2350 IND India
9 FM Mynn Htoo 2338 MYA Myanmar
10 Li Hanbing 2338 CHN China
11 IM Shen Siyuan 2324 CHN China
12 IM Nay Oo Kyaw Tun 2315 MYA Myanmar
13 IM Myo Naing 2306 MYA Myanmar
14 FM Lwin Maung Maung 2283 MYA Myanmar
15 FM San Thit Lwin 2281 MYA
16 FM Zaw Oo 2280 MYA
17 FM Turqueza, Mari Joseph 2236 PHI
18 Zaw One 2234 MYA Myanmar
19 FM Kyaw Lin Naing 2226 MYA Myanmar
20 Nyi Nyi Lwin 2222 MYA Myanmar
21 Myint Han 2210 MYA Myanmar
22 WIM Wang Xiaohui 2205 CHN
23 FM Kyi Thein 2190 MYA Myanmar
24 Moun Moun Latt 2182 MYA Myanmar
25 Zhou Guijue 2180 CHN
26 Win Tun 2159 MYA Myanmar
27 May Hsett Lwin 2155 MYA Myanmar
28 May Hsu Lwin 2122 MYA Myanmar
29 Kalugampitiya R S 2121 SRI Sri Lanka
30 Tint Swe Win A 2119 MYA Myanmar
31 WFM Myat Thiri Aung Kyaw 2112 MYA
32 Tin Maung Lwin 2094 MYA Myanmar
33 Yan Naing 2072 MYA Myanmar
34 Wee Chu En Kelvin 2035 SIN Singapore
35 Elgin Lee Kah Meng 1986 MAS Malaysia
36 Kyaw Myint A 1985 MYA Myanmar
37 Zaw Win 1950 MYA Myanmar
38 Limono Handjojo 1916 INA Indonesia
39 Khore Bean Hwa 1905 MAS Malaysia
40 Roshan Ajeet Singh 1856 MAS Malaysia
41 William Campi 1821 USA USA
42 William Lee Kah Howe 1800 MAS Malaysia
43 Srivatanakul Pricha 1766 THA Thailand
44 Low Zhen Yu Cyrus 1715 SIN
45 Mayuri Karunanayake 1670 SRI
46 Aung Naing 0 MYA
47 Aung Paing Soe 0 MYA
48 Benjamin Lee Kah Teng 0 MAS Malaysia
49 Cham Thar 0 MYA
50 Ding Tze How Dilwen 0 MASMalaysia
51 Han Min Soe 0 MYA
52 Han Win Tun 0 MYA
53 Htoo Aung Bo 0 MYA
54 La Pyae Min 0 MYA
55 Lin Min Htike 0 MYA
56 Moe Kyaw 0 MYA
57 Naing Myo Lin 0 MYA
58 Shang Zheng Yuan 0 CHN
59 Than Htike Soe 0 MYA
60 Than Htike Zaw KI KI 0 MYA
61 Than Htike Zaw MDY 0 MYA
62 Than Min Hlaing 0 MYA
63 Thu Ta Oo 0 MYA
64 U Myint Oo 0 MYA
65 U Thet Lin 0 MYA
66 Win Maw 0 MYA
67 Win Thein 0 MYA
68 Win Tun Htwe 0 MYA
69 Win Zaw 0 MYA
70 Zaw San 0 MYA
71 Zayar 0 MYA
72 Zhang Rang 0 CHN
73 Zwe Thura Aung 0 MYA
is Wesley So of Philippines playing?