Friday, December 9, 2011

Chess Day in Ukraine

On November 1, 2011, Verkhovna Rada approved the Decree “On proclamation of the Chess Day in Ukraine”, which was officially published on November 9, 2011. Celebration of the Chess Day in Ukraine will take place annually on July, 20, which is also an International Chess Day. The project of the Decree “On proclamation of Chess Day in Ukraine” was submitted to Verkhovna Rada by people’s deputy of Ukraine Volodymyr Danylenko. 277 deputies voted for approval of the resolution, among which were representatives of all parliament fractions as well as unaffiliated members.

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
On proclamation of the Chess Day in Ukraine
Taking into account significant achievements of the Ukrainian chess players in competitions at the international level, in order to draw the attention of the society, state authorities and not-for-profit organizations to chess sport as highly intellectual, assessable and mass type of sport, to ensure state support and development of chess, to multiply the potential and to promote chess among youth, to strengthen the international authority of Ukraine due to the achievements of chess players, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine resolves:
1.             To declare the 20th of July to be the Chess Day in Ukraine;
2.             To recommend the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine:
immediately after the adoption of the Decree to form an organizing committee for the annual celebration of the Chess Day in Ukraine with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, other ministries, agencies and not-for-profit organizations;
within three months from the date of adoption of the Decree to develop and submit the project of the National program on chess development in Ukraine for consideration of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
3.             To recommend the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine to consider the possibility of introducing optional chess lessons in schools.

4.             To recommend regional and district state administrations to execute the annual preparation of the celebration of Chess Day in Ukraine on local levels.

5.             To impose control over the execution of the Decree to the Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Family, Youth, Sports and Tourism.

6.             This Resolution shall enter into force upon its adoption.

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine                                        V. Lytvyn
Kyiv, November 1, 2011
N 3985-VI

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