Monday, January 9, 2012

Malabon Chess Association : Baltazar champion

Ernie Baltazar defeated Marvin Serna of Barangay Bayan-bayanan in 24 moves of a Queens Pawn game to win the Malabon Chess Association Blitz Chess Tournament -January,2012 edition. Baltazar, triple gold medalist in the 2010 ASEAN Age Group senior division held in Subic Bay,Philippines hacked out 7.0 points in 9 games edging out via a higher tie break Rogelio Sebastian of Navotas City.
Sebastian took the 1st runner-up honors. Ed Chu of Barangay Longos finished solo third with 6.5 points in the 10 players Single Round Robin system held held last Saturday (January 6) at the Plaza Hulong Duhat,Malabon City. The monthly event is organized by the Malabon Chess Association.

A game lasting only 9 moves still happens, with all the latest computer programs.

[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2012.03.05"]
[White "Derdo72"]
[Black "Ernie Baltazar"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D30"]
[WhiteElo "1942"] 
[EventDate "2012.03.05"]
[TimeControl "60"]

1. d4 {0} d5 {0} 2. c4 {1} e6 {0} 3. cxd5 {0} c5 {1} 4. Nf3 {0} cxd4 {2} 5.
dxe6 {3} Bxe6 {3} 6. Qxd4 {1} Nc6 {1} 7. Qxd8+ {1} Rxd8 {1} 8. Nc3 {0} Nb4 {1}
9. a3 {2} Nc2# {(Lag: Av=0.82s, max=1.3s) 1} 0-1

[White "Filat4"]
[Black "Baltazar, Ernie"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. e4  d5 2. exd5  Nf6  3. Nc3  Nxd5 {2} 4. Nf3  Nxc3  5.

bxc3  c5  6. Bc4  e6  7. O-O  Nc6  8. d3  h6  9. a4 
Bd6  10. Re1  O-O  11. h3  Qf6  12. Bd2  Ne5  13. Nxe5 
 Bxe5  14. Ra3  Bd7  15. f4  Bd6  16. Rf1  Bc6  17.
Qg4  a6  18. a5  Bc7  19. f5  e5  20. Qg6  Qxg6 
21. fxg6  Be8  22. d4  cxd4  23. cxd4  exd4  24. Bb4  Bc6
 25. gxf7+  Kh8  26. Rd3  Be5  27. Bxf8  Rxf8  28.
Re1  Bf6  29. Rg3  g5  30. Rg4  Kg7  31. h4  Bd7  32.
Rg3  g4  33. h5  Bh4  34. Rd3  Bxe1  35. Rxd4  Bf5  36.
Rf4  Bxc2  37. Rxg4+  Kf6  38. Rg6+  Bxg6 Filat4 resigns 

[White "Lietus24"]
[Black "Baltazar, Ernie"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A83"]

1. d4  f5  2. e4  fxe4  3. Nc3  Nf6  4. Bg5  c6  5. f3

 exf3  6. Nxf3  d5  7. Bd3  Bg4  8. O-O  Nbd7  9. Qe1
 Qb6  10. Qe3  O-O-O  11. b3  Qb4  12. Ne2  h6 
13. Bh4  Bxf3  14. Rxf3  e5  15. c3  Qe7  16. dxe5 
Nxe5  17. Rf5  g5  18. Bg3  Nxd3  19. Qxd3  Qe4  20.
Rd1  Qxd3  21. Rxd3  Ne4  22. Nd4 {22} Bc5 {6} 23. b4 {16} Bxd4+ 
 24. cxd4  Nxg3 } 25. Rxg3  Rhf8  26. Rgf3  Rxf5  27. Rxf5
 Kc7  28. Rf6  Rd6  29. Rf7+  Kb6  30. Rh7  a5 

1st --    Ernie Baltazar            7.0 points       31.0
2nd --   Rogelio Sebastian      7.0 points       28.0
3rd  --   Ed Chu                     6.5 points
4th --    Armando Miranda     6.0 points
5th --    Renato Yap               5.5 points
6th --    Jethro Serrano           4.5 points      10.0
7th --    Marvin Serna             4.5 points       8.75
8th --    Danny Espiritu            4.0 points     
9th --    Charlie Tan                 2.0 points
10th -   Elmer Baltazar             1.0
The top three seniors of the ASEAN Age Group  Chess Championships
NM Rudy Ibanez , IM Chan Peng Kong and Ernie Baltazar


  1. ka ernie, kelan ulit ng tourney? balita naman jan para makapagready sa next tourney. congrats po.

  2. February 12 ang next tournament sa Malaboin Chess Association. GANUON PA RIN ANG PRIZES P3,000 ; P2,000, P 1,000 SA TOP THREE PRIZES. + P500.00 sa mga categoty winners, TOP LADY, TOP SENIOR TOP KIDDY ; TOP MALABON player. Entry fee P50.00 pa in onsite registration P100.00. Thanks

  3. ka ernie kanino po ba pede maki pag coordinate jan. may cp # or phone number ba malabon chess association, thanks din po for your response.

  4. puwede makipagcoordinate kay kagawad charlie tan ng hulong duhat at kay ed chu ng barangay longos, malabon city o kaya ay punta na lang sa plaza hulong duhat.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. please post this link on your weblog.

    good luck and more power to your weblog.

  7. hey ernie, it looks like the games you posted here are online chess bullet games. whats ur handle at chesscube.

  8. nice ka ernie, i am a playchess fan. whats ur handle at

  9. un bang 'pareko ' handle mo sa kelan kita pede makalaro dun

  10. may i know e-mail address or cp no. of mirham perez?
