Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Guidelines of chess Tournament for  2012 Palarong Maynila Meet

              The general FIDE laws shall be applied .The following specific regulations for the  Palarong Maynila Meet.
1.    Only players who have been properly screened and approved by the screening committee can play after submission of all requirements.
2.    The tournament will be a seven (7) round Swiss System.
3.    Players from the same team will not be paired.
6.    Mobile phones and similar electronic means of communications should not be brought to the tournament hall. The arbiters are going to penalize the players who do not obliged with the rules.
7.    Photos and motion pictures allowed to be taken within the first 5 minutes of the round. Journalist and guest should leave the hall without the warning of the officials
8.    Any views or demands about the organization should be made to the Tournament Director. Only the Heads of the Delegates should clarify the demands and opinions about the organizations. Parents are only responsible for their children.
9.    It should not be forgotten that winning or losing is only meant for the players.You should be responsive in terms of complying with the rules without forgetting that the Chief Arbiter and the arbiters are going to behave impartially and fairly in order to complete the event without a problem.
10.   The use of chess clocks is mandatory. All participating schools are required to bring at least  two (2) chess clocks (functional) and two (2) tournament size chess sets for their own use.
10.1  If the player,having the move,has less than two minutes left on his clock, he may claim a draw (insufficient losing chances) before his flag falls. He shall stop the clocks and summon the arbiter.
         a. if the arbiter agrees, then he shall declare the game drawn or reject the claim.Otherwise he shall postpones his decision and award two extra minutes to the opponent and the game shall continue.The arbiter shall declare the final result later in the game or after a flag has fallen
         b.A player can also claim a draw according to articles 9.2b and 9.3b of the Laws of Chess. If the claim is found to be correct, the game is immediately ended as a draw. If the claim is found to be incorrect, the Arbiter shall add three (3) minutes to the opponent’s remaining time and the game continues with the
intended move in accordance with Article 4 of the Laws of Chess. A maximum of two (2) incorrect claims for a draw can be made by each player. If a player makes a 3rd incorrect claim, the arbiter shall declare the game lost for this player.
11.   Time control is one hour and one minute to finish the game.
12.   Recording the moves is obligatory. The score sheets shall be used only for recording the moves, the times of the clocks, the offers of the draw, matters relating to a claim and other relevant data.
13. Uniforms
To present the image of chess as a sporting event, all Players should use their official
14. The appeals committee
No member of the Appeals Committee shall sit in judgment in a dispute involving a player
or party from his School
All protests must be submitted in writing to the Appeals Committee not more than one
hour after the relevant playing session, or the particular infringement complained against.
The Committee may decide on the following matters:
a. an appeal against a decision by an arbiter or a FIDE principal,
b. a protest against a player's behaviour,
c. a complaint alleging false interpretation of the regulations,
d. a request for the interpretation of specific regulations,
e. a protest or complaint against any participant, or
f. all other matters which the Committee considers important.
If possible, the Committee shall reach a decision not more than one hour after the
submission of a protest. The appeals process shall include written representations and a
written decision. . Each protest must be accompanied by a
deposit fee of P2,000.00 . If the protest is accepted, the fee shall be returned.
The written decision of the Appeals Committee arising from any dispute in respect of these
regulations shall be final.
15.Guidelines for coaches
a.  All coaches must be present during the game. No team shall be allowed to play without a coach.
b.  Coaches are expected to instill discipline to his players inside / outside the playing area.
c.  No coaches or spectators is allowed inside the playing area.
d.  The coach of the champion player in the individual event  shall be the coach of the team in the next level of competition.
e.  The  champion and the runner-up for boys and girls in the Individual Event automatically gets the two slot  in the team composition.
The final standings is determined by the number of points scored.
Individual tie break
1.  Direct encounter (only if all players have played each other)
2.  Buchholz score
3.  Median Buchholz
Team Tie break
1.  Total rank of the two players.
2.  Best rank
Tournament Schedule
November 12,2012    1:00- 3:00               Opening Ceremony
                                                                  Technical meeting
November 13,2012     8:00 - 10:00 am       Round 1
                                  11:00 -  1:00 pm       Round 2
                                    2:00 -  4:00 pm       Round 3
November 14,2012      8:00-  10:00 am      Round 4
                                  11:00 -  1:00 pm       Round 5
November 15,2012      8:00 -  10:00 am     Round 6
                                   11:00 -   1:00 pm     Round 7
                                     2:00 pm                 AWARDING CEREMONY
To ensure the strict observance of this statues, the FIDE Laws of Chess and the Tournament Regulations. National Arbiter Ernie P. Baltazar of the Philippine Blitz Chess Association shall be the Chief Arbiter.
Individual Events
First Prize:       Gold medal
Second Prize:  Silver medal
Third Prize :     (Two third prize) Bronze Medal

Team Events
First Prize  :       Gold medal for each participating members of the winning team.
Second Prize :   Silver medal for each participating member of  the first runner-up team.
Third Prize  :      Bronze  medal for each participating member of the second runner-up team.

All players are assumed to have read the Tournament Regulations and are obliged to obey them.

The organizer reserves the right to amend or alter any provisions in the aforementioned Rules and Regulations for the success and interest of the tournament.

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