Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Final ranking
Rank Name Pts Wins Draws Loses BH.
1 TALAPIAN Teorwin 4 4 0 1 16½
2 PARRO Francis Roi 4 4 0 1 16
3 CREDO Patrick Ismael 4 4 0 1 14½
4 VELASCO Mark Louie 3 1 1 13½
5 SEBASTIAN Ronnie 3 3 0 2 14
6 CABALLERO Edwin 3 2 2 1 13
7 DAMIRAY Cyrus James 3 2 0 2 12
8 PASCUAL Orlando 3 2 0 2 11
9 FALAMIG Criswen 3 3 0 2 10½
10 SECORATA Darwin 2 1 2 12½
11 CALAPAN Roberto 2 1 2 2 14
12 KWAN Clark Kaeron 2 2 0 3 12
13 GAS Gerald 2 0 2 2 11½
14 MAXEL Jony 2 2 0 3 10½
15 ESTRELLA Juncin 1 1 0 2 12½
16 ENVERZO Jesus Jr. 1 1 0 3 10
17 TEVES Johnny 1 0 0 3
18 DUMADAG Laurence Wilfred 0 0 0 3 10½

Round 5 
Bo. Name Pts Res. Pts Name
1 TALAPIAN Teorwin 3 1  -  0 4 CREDO Patrick Ismael
2 PARRO Francis Roi 3 1  -  0 3 SEBASTIAN Ronnie
3 VELASCO Mark Louie 1  -  0 SECORATA Darwin
4 KWAN Clark Kaeron 2 0  -  1 2 CABALLERO Edwin
5 CALAPAN Roberto 2 0  -  1 2 FALAMIG Criswen
6 PASCUAL Orlando 2 1  -  0 2 MAXEL Jony
7 DAMIRAY Cyrus James 2 +  -  - 1 TEVES Johnny
8 ENVERZO Jesus Jr. 1 -  -  + 1 GAS Gerald
9 DUMADAG Laurence Wilfred 0 0  -  - 0 -
10 ESTRELLA Juncin 1 0  -  - 0 -
Program Swiss-Manager developed and copyright © by DI.Heinz Herzog, 1230 Vienna Joh.Teufelg.39-47/7/9,,homepage, User:manfrommanila, 2018/11/20
Details on this tournament can be found on
Round 4 
Bo. Name Pts Res. Pts Name
1 CREDO Patrick Ismael 3 1  -  0 3 PARRO Francis Roi
2 TALAPIAN Teorwin 2 1  -  0 SECORATA Darwin
3 SEBASTIAN Ronnie 2 1  -  0 2 DAMIRAY Cyrus James
4 MAXEL Jony 2 0  -  1 VELASCO Mark Louie
5 CABALLERO Edwin ½  -  ½ CALAPAN Roberto
6 GAS Gerald 1 0  -  1 1 KWAN Clark Kaeron
7 FALAMIG Criswen 1 1  -  0 1 ENVERZO Jesus Jr.
8 PASCUAL Orlando 1 +  -  - 1 ESTRELLA Juncin
9 TEVES Johnny 0 +  -  - 0 DUMADAG Laurence Wilfred
Round 3 
Bo. Name Pts Res. Pts Name
1 PARRO Francis Roi 2 1  -  0 2 TALAPIAN Teorwin
2 VELASCO Mark Louie 0  -  1 2 CREDO Patrick Ismael
3 SECORATA Darwin 1  -  0 CALAPAN Roberto
4 SEBASTIAN Ronnie 1 1  -  0 1 GAS Gerald
5 KWAN Clark Kaeron 1 0  -  1 1 MAXEL Jony
6 DAMIRAY Cyrus James 1 1  -  0 1 FALAMIG Criswen
7 PASCUAL Orlando 1 0  -  1 ½ CABALLERO Edwin
8 ESTRELLA Juncin 0 1  -  0 0 TEVES Johnny
9 DUMADAG Laurence Wilfred 0 0  -  1 0 ENVERZO Jesus Jr.
Round 2 
Bo. Name Pts Res. Pts Name
1 TALAPIAN Teorwin 1 1  -  0 1 SEBASTIAN Ronnie
2 CALAPAN Roberto 1 ½  -  ½ 1 VELASCO Mark Louie
3 PARRO Francis Roi 1 1  -  0 1 KWAN Clark Kaeron
4 CREDO Patrick Ismael 1 1  -  0 1 PASCUAL Orlando
5 TEVES Johnny 0 0  -  1 ½ SECORATA Darwin
6 GAS Gerald ½ ½  -  ½ 0 CABALLERO Edwin
7 FALAMIG Criswen 0 1  -  0 0 ESTRELLA Juncin
8 ENVERZO Jesus Jr. 0 0  -  1 0 DAMIRAY Cyrus James
9 MAXEL Jony 0 1  -  0 0 DUMADAG Laurence Wilfred
Round 1 
Bo. Name Pts Res. Pts Name
1 CABALLERO Edwin 0 0  -  1 0 TALAPIAN Teorwin
2 VELASCO Mark Louie 0 1  -  0 0 FALAMIG Criswen
3 DAMIRAY Cyrus James 0 0  -  1 0 PARRO Francis Roi
4 TEVES Johnny 0 0  -  1 0 PASCUAL Orlando
5 DUMADAG Laurence Wilfred 0 0  -  1 0 CREDO Patrick Ismael
6 SECORATA Darwin 0 ½  -  ½ 0 GAS Gerald
7 ESTRELLA Juncin 0 0  -  1 0 SEBASTIAN Ronnie
8 KWAN Clark Kaeron 0 1  -  0 0 ENVERZO Jesus Jr.
9 MAXEL Jony 0 0  -  1 0 CALAPAN Roberto

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